Thursday, May 26, 2011

Lauderdale Lakes

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Lauderdale Lakes City Manager is Fall-Guy.

Lauderdale Lakes cannot afford the high cost of sheriff services or fire services and have not paid the Sheriff for months, owing around $5.8 million. According to state law, once a city falls more than three months behind on its payments for services, the state can intervene.

Same problem, same old story...unaffordable and escalating costs are bankrupting cities. "Sharply decreased property values combined with major revenue projection errors and a limited commercial base have left them short on funds," said fired city manager, Anita Taylor. Lauderdale Lakes is a city of 32,000, a little smaller than Lake Worth and Sheriff services takes 55% of its budget.

This is one thing that the Dirty Dozen refuses to grasp--decreased property values have happened everywhere. Put the blame where it belongs--crazy and unsustainable Union Benefit packages and the high cost of public safety.


  1. The city manager's words-
    "we lost one billion, with a "b" dollars in property values over the last 2 years".
    What if, just suppose, imagine the impossible, the city manager and the city commission attcked the blight and code over the past 2 years as agressively as they are attacking PBSO and the city lost 40% property values like every other city in the county, even the land locked cities, instead of
    50% that we lost. What's 10% of $1 billion?
    Your arguments for and defense of the city manager and city commission are getting laughable. It's getting to the point that it's not even worth taking the time to post a differing opinion.
