Friday, May 13, 2011

Lake Worth Policing

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Every group is rallying the troops in support of Lake Worth retaining the Palm Beach County sheriff. No amount of money is too much for residents to pay in the eyes of some. Even though it has always been a management issue, there are a lot of residents that don't want to hear it. Neighborhood Association presidents have gotten into the act as well. As these associations are supposed to be non-political, they very well could be in jeopardy of losing their 501 c3 status as a non-profit. And this is and has always been a political issue decided on a 3/2 vote. Those against it are still looking to the cost.

Parrot Cove sent out a message as follows:

There is a Community meeting tomorrow, Saturday, May 14th at the Compass center from 4-6 pm. The purpose of the meeting is to inform everyone of what the Willdan police feasibility study really means and to organize a massive public education effort so that everyone affected by public safety in Lake Worth is fully informed and prepared to oppose the effort to terminate the PBSO contact with FACTS when this comes before the City Commission for a vote. Please tell everyone you know about the meeting.

I might just attend this meeting to find out what the Willdan Study really means according to Parrot Cove. However, everyone please read the study and wait until the Commission speaks to it before jumping to conclusions.


  1. Yes and we should report them to the IRS! They should lose their tax exempt status for organizing their members to oppose bringing back the LWPD!

    Just who do those Neighborhood Associations think they are? It's Suzanne, Chris and JoAnn who represent us!

    Not their membership. Who needs the Sheriff's Department after all?

    The only reason to have a government is not to protect its citizens... it's to help the down-trodden, the less fortunate and provide for the community gardens and egg laying facilities.

    We actually like having the "organized youths" to help documentary producers to come here and make movies. Their lively hand gestures and tattoos make a more colorful Lake Worth.

    Plus, look at all that unused desk space at the old police department building. It seems you run into a deputy every time you turn around. This should stop immediately.

    And while we are reporting our neighborhood associations to the IRS, we should also report the churches that advocate for anything other than Obama.

  2. As a neighborhood leader our message was very clear that this is a non-political meeting to go over the study. Everyone is welcome and we passed on as information. Now who is jumping to a conclusion?

    Yes Lynn I am ready the study page by page all the way through. Glad the blog is mostly back.

  3. Robert-
    Was it not you that said that the PBSO is the ONLY OPTION? WHO IS JUMPING? THAT IS A LEAP ACROSS THE ATLANTIC OCEAN.
    Settle down and smell the roses.


    The NA and HA are complete political, they should lose their status, they push their weight and chase people away and are not democratic or inclusive. There is a lot of corruption by them and the politics is just another level of buracracy, it is all too much.

  5. Mary Lindsey is the biggest trouble maker in the history of this city.

  6. I agree. We don't need anyone poking around, uncovering inconvenient truths about our city, it's utility and our finances. More people should get behind the BCE and support them in whatever they choose to do. It is them who have a vision for Lake Worth.

    Free range chickens, banning puppy mills and doggie doo-doo in every park! That's what I say!!

    You go Chris, Joann and Suzanne!!!
