Friday, May 27, 2011

Lake Worth Mayor's Race

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There have been nine people who have picked up packets for the mayoral race. Only two, so far, have qualified: Lisa Maxwell and Tom Ramiccio.

We will have to wait until Noon on Tuesday to find out the final slate.


  1. Maxwell, Lisa
    Ramiccio, Tom
    Sabol, Cary
    Waterman, Rachel
    McNamara, Laurence**
    del sol, javier

    **granted, i don't know if that is for district 3 or for the mayors race.

    who else?

  2. What happened to the anarchist party backed Waterman? Yes, Waterman who was hand selected by Cara and Mulvehill to serve on the Marketin Task Force. A board that was closed to applications from the public. Could it be that she was pre-ordained to run for mayor and the seat on the board gives her a hint of legitimacy? Did Waterman even live in Lake Worth at the time of her appointment? As far as I know she lived in West Palm Beach where her home was foreclosed on this spring. Things that make you go hum. Lynn I agree with you on many things. But, backing Waterman is a mistake.

  3. Thanks for your comments. At this moment, I am not backing anyone...will wait to see who files.

  4. Just because they picked up packets doesn't mean anything.

  5. Over those two, Tom gets my vote.

  6. Nope. John Jordan's the one.

  7. It's very sad that ANYONE is allowing Rene Varela's 25,000 temper tantrum to go forward.Anyone that cared about the taxpayers of Lake Worth should have let the qualifying period go by and run in the regular Nov elections.Shame on EVERYBODY running in this farce!

  8. If Rene had waited, Mulvehill, Golden, McVoy, And Stanton, would have had the chance to appoint whomever they wanted until November... I wonder WHO that would have been. Cara maybe??????????????

  9. Stanton is not involved in politics...only you "no" people and those on the light side.

  10. Stanton just wants to be in charge of everything that is happening in the city, including politics... Maybe we should get rid of her as CM and hire her back as QUEEN

  11. She is doing what she was hired to do. Her job.

  12. "If Rene had waited, Mulvehill, Golden, McVoy, And Stanton, would have had the chance to appoint whomever they wanted until November"
    Yeah,so what? A Commission ELECTED BY THE TAXPAYERS would have chosen somebody to sit on the council for 3.5 months. So what! Doesn't the fact that the taxpayers are now going to be saddled with a bill of over 30,000 by the time this is done bother you? Are you SO DESPERATE for some imagined power that you condone Rene's dirty,pitiful joke on all of the taxpayers? Sick!

  13. No actually what I am happy about is that Rene in his final act is giving the city a chance to try to make a stand, and a comeback from the elite three, plus the backing of the CM that seems to be destroying this city with one study after another and lawsuits piling up because They thing they can control whatever they want

  14. I could not agree with you LESS. This is an interim spot...3.5 months of sitting up there on the other side of the majority so that you can say, "Wow, Rene really stuck it to them." 3.5 months to hear someone running off at the mouth and politicking for the next election. It will cost our city a lot of money, something we don't have. The Commission as well as the city manager is doing a great job on moving this city forward with sound decisions. Lawsuits happen when you take a stand against the Unions or anyone like the modular newsrack company but what would you rather happen? The city roll over and GIVE THEM EVERYTHING? I would hope that the City understands the Studies in front of them, all the Contracts that are presented and "controls" anything that might be a detriment to Lake Worth. No more bad contracts. That's the control that I want.

    As far as conducting Studies is concerned, we would not be in the shape we are in if studies had been done before. They weren't and look what happened? A unsustainable Sheriff's contract, same with fire and the list goes on. This Commission reversed some of the BAD decisions of the past. At least now the city has a chance to survive.

    We don't need any more negativity in this city. Rene, in his final act, showed what he was--a guy who did not care about was all about him.

  15. If anyone plans to back Tom Ramiccio, they should check out the mans past in our wonderful city. Ethics violations more then once. The man's a thug who uses power for his own personal welfare and to intimidate others. And do we really want to see the blowhard cruising lake worth with that stupid license tag again????
