Monday, May 16, 2011

Burt Aaronson

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It doesn't matter that voters passed 8 year term limits for Palm Beach County Commissioners by 70.7% because there are always politicians and/or their friends who challenge a vote every few years or so. This recently happened in Lake Worth where an activist suggested that three year terms were better for commissioners than two even though the voters turned that idea down only a few years before by an overwhelming majority. When does the people's vote mean anything? At what point?

Burt Aaronson is speaking out that he wants to run again as his term ends in 2012. He wants to be a Palm Beach County Commissioner for life. He was elected to District #5, Palm Beach County Commission in November 1992 and re-elected in 1996, 2000, 2004 and 2008.


  1. He gets more rude as he gets older. Always will remember the old coot at the PV County Commission meeting when he spoke so rudely to the public. You have to wonder how he gets voted in year after year.

  2. Burt Aaronson is just like the current phonies who have been suspended or whatever as being commissioners How lucky for him he still gets a paycheck well over his contributions. And his thinking of controlling those he wants in office and pushing aside those that deserve is really to much for this old FART to continue on as a PALM BEACH COMMISSIONER . He has no new ideas and is a STONE on the board not reaaly coming up with an substance hes begining to SHAKE and you know what that means , He is out of touch with what the younger needs of PALM BEACH are. NO MORE votes for this charactor and that includes those that live at Century Village and Kings Point and some Valencias ( PART OF GL HOMES boy ! ) Lets get some new blood for your children and gradnchildren And all said and done with all his awards etc his Biography does not even include a HISTORY IN THE MILITARY to the service his country . Read on He is a native of Brooklyn, New York and former resident of Ft. Lee, New Jersey, Aaronson and his wife of 61 years, Sheila, have two sons, four grandsons, granddaughter and a great-granddaughter Member of TEmple Emeth BUT NO MILITARY SERVICE . All he does is travel around to speak and spend money we dont have on GOLF COURSES . WHAT DID HE DO IN REAL LIFE ??
