Monday, May 16, 2011

HB 7207 - Jeff Clemens gets one right

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On an 87 to 31 vote, HB 7207 was passed by the Florida House. It also passed in the Senate. This is a vote that Rep. Jeff Clemens got right...he voted NO to passage of the Bill.

Evelyn Duplecy, District Secretary on his Staff, called late this morning to confirm his vote. When asked for his reasons, she said it was " because it is a "bad bill" and then reminded me that I can find all the outcomes of the votes on-line. This Bill was voted on Saturday and the final votes are not recorded there as yet. I want to give Rep. Clemens credit when it is due. I agree that it was a "bad" Bill but the Republicans have taken over all common sense when it comes to Florida.

HB 7207 is the "Growth Management" Bill that dissolved the Department of Community Affairs. 1000 Friends of Florida and the Wildlife Federation wrote a letter to Gov. Scott that said, “It would undermine 35 years of thoughtful statewide growth management policies.”

What the Bills says:
Redesignates "Local Government Comprehensive Planning & Land Development Regulation Act" as "Community Planning Act"; revises & provides intent & purpose of act; revises definitions; revises scope of act; revises & provides duties of local governments & municipalities relating to comprehensive plans; deletes retroactive effect; encourages local governments to apply for certain innovative planning tools; authorizes state land planning agency & other appropriate state & regional agencies to use direct & indirect technical assistance, etc.

Effective Date: upon becoming a law

1 comment:

  1. Just heard that the HB 7207 is on the was to Scott's Desk.
