Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Feasibility Study for Police Services

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Willdan Homeland Solutions has presented its study on policing services.

Excerpts from the report: In conducting this analysis, and in engaging in dialogue with City residents, they have been surprised by the breadth of misunderstanding associated with the PBSO LESA and the services provided for in the contract to the City. As explained in detail in the Willdan Homeland Solutions report, many of the most frequently cited benefits of the LESA are services PBSO is required to provide to all county residents because these services are funded by a county-wide tax millage all county residents pay, irrespective of whether they have a contract for services with PBSO or whether they fund a City police department. It is of critical importance that the City Commission truly understand what services Lake Worth is actually receiving by the LESA and which services the community was already paying for (and maybe not receiving or asking for) prior to the City executing a contract.

Based upon the court decisions relating to County services, even if the City of Lake Worth were to cancel the current Law Enforcement Services Agreement (LESA) and not establish their own police department, the Sheriff’s Office would constitutionally be obligated to provide police services at the same level provided to the unincorporated areas of the County. Such service is not discretionary but is a legal obligation. (S. Stanton)

Read the entire report HERE.

Page 58 begins the recommendation.
Based on our comprehensive analysis of all available data related to this study, Willdan believes that there is sufficient justification and the necessary financial revenues for the City of Lake Worth to reconstitute a professional law enforcement agency with an annual budget not exceeding $10 million. This operating budget does not include initial transition and start-up costs associated with this organization reconstitution. We also believe the initial start-up and transition costs will be recovered within the first three years of terminating the PBSO contract and managing a Lake Worth P.D. budget.


  1. And this is where things are going to get REALLY Ugly....the one comment I have to say is Thank God this came out before elections....

    I personally encourage all residents of Lake Worth to ask questions, Engage in conversation with your neighbors, talk to PBSO Deputies, Talk with Officials.....

    Most important thing is to engage in this conversation and I want to remind everyone that you never believe anything in a study....

    You must ask the questions to determine the truth and we all have seen this city over and over and over again present studies that turn out to not be the actual truth and we all pay for it.....What this report turns out to be, remains to be seen but I for one....STILL and always will support our PBSO D14 Team and when I did not want to cut those ties with them here and through out Palm Beach County...I got the cold shoulder even though I'm dedicated to helping our community at large.

    With that, I will KEEP ON DOING for others regardless of the politics at hand and God Bless the Men and Women that serve for PBSO D14.

    Robert Waples

  2. Ok, ok--let's not get all emotional about it now. Read the entire report and then make an unbiased opinion. Saving $5 MILLION DOLLARS A YEAR is really hard to swallow.

  3. This is what happens when people like Jeff Clemens. Retha Lowe,and Dave Vespo make critical decisions based on POLITICS and not COMMON SENSE !Lake Worth citizens are being burdened with a terrible contract.I do not believe this study. I do not believe that Lake Worth can go back to having their own police force. Do I want to go back to the days when the Lake Worth police dept didn't even know they were supposed to go west of I-95? No. Do I want to go back to the days when people like Tom Ramiccio and Nadine Burns can use the police force to threaten people they disagreed With? No.Bottom line-this is a wake up call Sheriff Bradshaw-we love you but we can't afford you.

  4. We can do anything we set our minds to do.

  5. We can't afford life guards or librarians,our present staff are being put out of their jobs because we can't afford to pay them,but we can afford an entire ,new, police force? Ridiculous.And it really helps that this company reached the decision that the people that hired them desired. And that this same company will further profit if we follow their recommendations. What a surprise. Ridiculous.

  6. What about READING THE STUDY? Anything short of that is what's "ridiculous."

  7. This city can't keep the bathrooms at the beach and golf course clean. I have begged them to fix this as it makes a big impression on folks visiting our city. I am told there is no money to keep them clean. Do I want this government providing me with public safety? We are just beginning to move forward but we do not have the management to get this right at this time. We need to get a better deal with the PBSO and keep the ship afloat. This is not the time to start a PD. Get the bathrooms clean first than move to the next project.
