Friday, May 6, 2011

Date for Special Election to be set

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This Monday, the city commission will meet at 8:15am in order to set the date of the special election FOR THE MAYORAL POSITION due to Rene Varela's treachery. This was a keen political move by Varela with no thought to the City or even to most candidates to raise money or personal awareness. The only one out there has been Tom Ramiccio who, as I have been told, already is financially comfortable.

The suggested date is June 28 so if approved, all of you who are thinking of running must qualify between May 24 and May 31.


  1. Varela is still here. Let's go hunt him up.

  2. 25,000 for a Cuban temper tantrum. Rene did not make this decision for the voters. He made it for his morally corrupt political friends. You should have seen Ramiccio almost hyperventilate when Mcvoy suggested not accepting crap head's resignation!No honest person would even put their hat into the ring right now knowing that this little political tantrum will cost us so much that we can't afford.Wait to qualify for the real election in November.

  3. Someone said that we should just move on--forget about this. NO WAY.
