Thursday, May 26, 2011

Citizen Insurrection by a handful of Malcontents

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Yes, you really did have to be at the City Commission/Finance Advisory Board meeting last night held at Compass. The organizer of this meeting expected a bunch of people…didn’t happen. It was a meeting that never should have been called as it was done on bogus reasoning. It was nothing more than a political stunt of one angry political faction in this city to get its way again. ...average citizens who have been brainwashed by some who are offended by just about everything in this city. You name it, they just hate it.

These protesters who came to speak last night are part of a group that has been organized to protest as a way of publicly making their opinions heard in an attempt to influence public opinion against our city commission and city manager. It is not their love for the Sheriff that rises them to this rebellion. That is only a means to their end. They successfully use Commissioner Maxwell to bring their platform forward.

To even think about ruining negotiations with the PBSO is despicable. To say that it is their freedom of speech to jump up and call a Commissioner a liar is only utter contempt and horrible behavior that no one should be subjected to whether it is a member of the commission or the public. After the Vice Mayor asked one resident to leave, she refused; the meeting broke and the Sheriff was called in order to escort her out of the meeting.

When I spoke, I was heckled from the very same group. You see, no one can have a different opinion. You never see anyone I know heckling them when they speak. It is always the other way around and last night the Vice Mayor took action. It is about time and I commend her for her actions. This group has been steadily getting more belligerent at every meeting and their behavior last night was shocking.

It is indeed a strange and frightening place when you can have an organizer from College Park who has incited her friends to interrupt and try to take over a public meeting because a commission makes intelligent statements and disagrees with their point of view. And they complain about anarchists.

Any of you who are calm, sane and want this city to be the best it can be with sincere negotiations with our PBSO and have them cut their exorbitant cost of services, you really need to start to attend city commission meetings and see first-hand how a group of malcontents are trying, once again, to rape your city. Speak out and be heard.


  1. These people are a bunch of rude bullies. They would do better in a place like Cuba-where intimidation is the name of the game. And these people certainly know how to play that game!These people don't care about Lake Worth. They care about themselves.I hope that our Commissioners have FINALLY learned their lesson-the more you bend over for corrupt staff and power hungry malcontents like these, the more you get kicked in the butt!

  2. The Vice Mayor shut down Dee McNamara last night because she mentioned Jessica Plotkin by name and what occurred at the recent FAB election. How come the rebel rousers don't mention that as some injustice to free speech?

  3. Because that is not what they are about.
