Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Susan Stanton, City Manager Lake Worth

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Superwoman's motto:
“If you want something done right, do it yourself.”

Tonight is the "big" night where all the "nasties and negatives" will be out in full force telling Ms. Stanton and anyone who wants to listen how she has screwed up, how some don't like her personality, how she has scared off staff with words they have never heard before, how she micro-manages, how she should not have stood up to the Unions because she has lost 3 law suits and how they can run the city better than someone such as she with 18 years experience. This is the night where she has her performance review.

We will also have to listen to the politicians who have to answer to their constituents, the ones who got them elected and those who took Union money, the very entities that Ms. Stanton is challenging to right the overly generous contracts awarded by past commissions. We will hear it all.

Superwoman isn't usually the type to get directly involved in fights, preferring to blast foes at a distance, ensnare them with her lasso, or to attempt to "seduce" them. Tonight she will be listening and taking it all in.

It will be ugly from the few who all seem to have some "inner knowledge" about everything. That is no way to treat a woman, especially "Superwoman."

1 comment:

  1. How come you pasted Stanton's face onto my body?!?LOL/disturbing
