Wednesday, April 6, 2011

The IBEW and Collective Bargaining in Lake Worth

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Dwight A. Maddox, President IBEW
Local Union 359 and President of System Council U-4

Bad photo clarity but that's ok considering who it was coming from--another bully at the Pulpit.

Maddox went on and on about how they had bargained in good faith and had "given up a lot." When asked by Mayor Varela, Maddox had no idea of what the Union had "given up" in this new Contract. He couldn't come up with one dollar amount. He just knew that the Union had done everything in good faith to work with the City. The City, getting accustomed to being bullied, gave into the Union by giving it another opportunity to prove its case by coming up with the numbers showing the exact dollars it has conceded. The City will meet in executive Session on April 12 in order to discuss and to make a determination, once again. This Contract is still unfavorable to the City.

We continue to give into the bullies in this city giving them every chance to make their case. Stanton is the only one with guts and stamina.


  1. The president, Dwight Maddox has to be one of the most uneducated and dysfunctional individuals to speak at a meeting, after hearing him they have to reject the contract. The strange thing was that he baited the commission into basically negotiating at the meeting, it was more than interesting. Maddox put up such a smoke screen in was comical, he went on and on about how much the union had given in concessions, but when asked for the financial impact he couldn’t produce any numbers. How did he have the union membership vote to ratify the contract without having the financial impact to the members, reason is they gave up almost nothing in comparison to what is going on in the private sector utility side, but no one in LW has a clue.

  2. The commission shouldn’t be negotiating behind the city’s team of people and undermining that process, hate to say it, but Stanton is on the right side of this issue and the commission totally wrong. Their obligation is to evaluate that which is before them, not renegotiate with one individual who produced no factual basis for his position, it was an emotional grandstand that was beyond acceptable. They should have cut him off long before his non-factual display-- they have no place doing negotiations.

  3. He looks like he could beat up an entire room.
