Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Florida Senate Bill 2040 Passes in Committee on a 4/2 - E-Verify and Illegal Immigration

SB 2040: Unauthorized Immigrants

The Bill: Requires every employer to use the federal program for electronic verification of employment eligibility in order to verify the employment eligibility of each employee hired on or after a specified date. Provides an exception in the case of employees who present specified documents to the employer. Requires the Attorney General to request from the Department of Homeland Security a list of employers who are registered with the E-Verify Program and to post that list to the Attorney General's website, etc.

Church groups were in the act: They always bring up Martin Luther King when they want to sound righteous. Rev. Russell Myers of the Florida Council of Churches invoked the spirit of King and the civil rights movement in speaking out against the Florida immigration bills. Then there was the Florida New Majority, founded in 2009 which is a 501©4 organization that says it was organized to educate, and mobilize communities in Florida to win equity and fairness throughout the state trying to overcome what they say is racism and division in Florida. They love "illegals...no one is illegal."

Florida Senate President, Mike Haridopolos said, “This is a Florida-specific solution to address the issue of illegal immigration in our state. Florida will step up and protect its citizens because the federal government has failed us.”

Advocates of E-Verify say this is nothing but a watered down version that will cause law suits. Some say employers won't even use it.

Source: Sunshine News

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