Friday, April 1, 2011

Cottage playing in the muck

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Playing the discrimination thing? This is the outrageous statement made by The Cottage that is now in the National eye:

Unfortunately, the City chose to enable and feed the underlying homophobic current, instead of helping a viable and community oriented business as well as honoring its own civil rights ordinance which provides protection for sexual orientation and gender expression. They are speaking about our recent Noise Ordinance. This is NOT an April Fool's Joke!

The Cottage says:
Stop Lake Worth's Harassment and Homophobic Discrimination Of The Cottage Restaurant.
read some bull shit.

The Cottage Restaurant says it is being unfairly targeted because of "noise." It is apparent that the Cottage is asking its customers to sign a Petition who know NOTHING ABOUT IT. Do they offer a discount to sign? In fact, since it is on a Petition blog that caters to discrimination issues, more than likely people from all over the country are hitting on this who know nothing about Lake Worth and that it is the Gay Capital of the East coast of the country.



  1. From the first time I saw this petition, I thought it was a sham. This is about NOISE! Period! Stanton makes stupid comments about all kinds of stuff.

    If you read the back up, it appears people who live in close proximity to the Cottage have a problem of too much noise, too late at night.

    It is an open air venue and the sound can bounce off the Lucerne and back into the residential neighborhood.

    According to the back up, one time the sheriff notified the Cottage that they were too loud, they said to go ahead and fine them, it was worth it to keep partying.

    If they don't want to be considerate neighbors, then they should be labeled a public nuisence and have their occupational license revoked.

    No one has complained because they are gay friendly.

    Just quiet down after 10:00 on week nights and 11:00 on weekends. What's so hard to understand?

    Try acoustics.

  2. Are these people crazy? The cottage is the biggest noise offender in the city. the other one went out of business.

  3. Hmmm, I don't know Lynn. Those emails from the city manager saying it's ok to egg a business are too much for me to IS all there in the emails

  4. It really is pathetic to yell discrimination when that is not the issue. I'm not gay,and I went to the cottage occasionally .Now,FORGET IT ! This petition is a real insult to our gay community.
