Thursday, March 24, 2011

Sunset Case

Comment Up
Recommended Order cover letter identifying the hearing record referred to the Agency.

Recommended Order Case Closed

From Jean Middleton:

The property owners at Sunset Drive have 15 days to file exceptions (an appeal) to this Order. If they appeal, there will be

a hearing before the Department of Community Affairs (DCA) and they will issue a Final Order either: approving the ALJ’s Order,

rejecting the ALJ’s Order or modifying the Order.

Once DCA issues a Final Order, either side can file an appeal to the 4th District Court of Appeals here in Palm Beach County.

If there is no appeal to the ALJ’s Final Order, the City’s comprehensive plan can be implemented.


  1. They do want to sell this property, right? What is the selling price? Who can buy it? The City?

  2. The owners want to sell. The neighborhood wants the city to buy the property.Commissioners Mulvehill, Mcvoy ,and Golden have all publicly stated that they want to buy the property. The fly in the ointment-City Manager STANTON. She has lied to our Commissioners and told them that 1. They can't have a public workshop to discuss financing of the property due to litigation and 2. The city is too "broke". This and is pure grandstanding for the benefit of the unions.Unfortunately, these three Commissioners can no longer make a move without Stanton's approval. These Commissioners have sold out the citizens and are nothing better than spineless weenies!

  3. The city has no business buying the property. We can not afford another park It needs to be in the hands of a developer so it can be used to help increase our tax base.

    The city is poor now because of the anti development and anti business mentality of this commission.

  4. No one is anti-development in this city.

    Next, do you have any idea if these townhouses had been developed exactly or even approximately the amount of taxes the city would have gained? Not much.

    Next, take away the downtown from the CRA and let's use these taxes for our general fund. The downtown is NOT blighted and it should not be in the CRA district.

  5. The city has no business being in business. Ask them how they can even contemplate building a $5 million dollar building for Public Works.

  6. How come our neighborhood can't get any representation from our district commissioner, Maxwell? Where is he?
