Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Slip and Fall at Lake Worth Street Painting Festival

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June Evans
Friends of the Lake Worth Library, Lake Worth Democratic Club

It happened at the Street Painting Festival when she fell over some cables that had been taped up so "that no one would trip or hurt themselves," she said. I have to admit that I stumbled over one myself as I was not looking down.

In June's words:

I was at the Street Painting Festival Saturday around noon walking along M Street near the Fed Ex driveway next to the library. M Street was very crowded with people and I was on my way to see the street painting space I sponsored. I always meet the artists each year and watch their progress. I was going to stop off at the library on my way too, for a book sale.

There were big crowds of people in front of me and I did not see the mat covering an extension cord that had been placed from the driveway to the Cultural Plaza. I tripped on this mat, flew over it and fell onto the pavement. I was taken by ambulance to JFK and treated for injuries to my right arm - sprained wrist, broken ulna and dislocated elbow. They kept me in the hospital overnight and I came home late Sunday. I also had scrapes and cuts on my right arm and lots of bumps and bruises on my legs.

I am very healthy and fit and I walk every day for around two hours all over Lake Worth. I often walk over the bridge to the beach. What a shock to suddenly have this happen. I was wearing good flat walking shoes as usual.

Thanks for your good wishes.


  1. June is a great lady and I wish her a very speedy,uneventful recovery!

  2. Why can't we just have a simple event? Why do we have to set up stages and run these cables all over the place??

    Greed. The festival was a huge success with out the horrible changes that the greedy chamber of commerce has made. So sad.

  3. This may mean the end of your street painting. Lawsuits concerning negligence on the part of local government often result in the end of the very activity that attracted the visitors in the first place.

  4. Not in this city--it's too screwed up. It loves law suits.

  5. Gee, June, it was something to see you on Sunday with that cast. Hope all improves quickly.
