Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Joint CRA and City Commission Love Fest

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Actually, it was more of a public relations fest put on by the CRA after taking some criticism from the Commission for not returning calls and not returning e-mails and just generally leaving them out of the loop.

Mayor Varela started the meeting by saying, "Are there any perfect people here?...we can all strive to be a better community and better boards." This was going to be a meeting with an appointed Board and an Elected Board, the first one in awhile. He set the tone of respect and cordiality, something that was not incorporated and sorely missing from two Tuesday's ago.

Last night I stayed for the first presentation by the CRA on its NSP2 grant. Joan Olivia reminded everyone that it was they who went out and obtained it. They have bought 42 properties for $2.4 million. The target area consists of 1,800 properties and local Realtors have made $30,000 to date. Its partners presented as well, Adopt-A-Family of the Palm Beaches and Habitat for Humanity as did Mike McManaman, NSP administrator. The general theme was to spend, spend and spend.

Its quarterly report will be out in 10 days and all reports are posted. I can't provide a link.


  1. It wasn't the CRA that was accused of not returning calls or e-mails, it was members of the City Commission. The same people that appointed an entire new CRA board.

  2. self-serving statement. Actually, if truth were not a detriment to that poster, it was last year's commission that appointed this board.

  3. I don't know, Wes. I was just repeating what was said at a commission meeting. In fact, it was the CRA majority who spoke derogatorily towards the commission on March 1, not the other way around.

  4. Any explanation from CRA director Oliva Oyl as to WHY our local contractors were left out of the loop? Why ,Queen Oliva? Just because people seem to think that you and these guys knew each other before you glommed onto Lake Worth's tax dollars,,,,Why?
