Friday, March 18, 2011

Greater Lake Worth Chamber of Commerce

At Tuesday's meeting, the question was asked--"What is our relationship with the Chamber?" No one quite knew how to answer it. We know that they are political and I personally object that they get any tax dollars or services derived from tax dollars from the City of Lake Worth. We also know that both the Chamber and the City have a common interest in attracting businesses here.

The Chamber, however, must think that they have a cozy relationship and are in bed with us. It seems that the Chamber is in arrears and owes the City unpaid invoices of approximately $4,000. They want the City to settle with them for $1,000... 25 cents on the $1.00! It will come back at a regularly scheduled Agenda item for discussion and a vote.

If it is determined at a meeting that our relationship is at arm's length and that we have no intimate relationship and that the City is not a charity, and that people who engage us to provide a service must pay for that service, then there is no option for the city commission but to demand payment. Did Beth Johnston take lessons from her predecessor? The City is a pushover and all you need to do is ask and you will receive?

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