Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Federal Shutdown Averted

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Here in Lake Worth we worry about power and control. It is always, without any doubt, two sides bickering back and forth. Each side believes it is right. One side blames the other for everything wrong with the city. If you go against them on anything, you are part of what caused the slum and the blight. It is an incredible but very powerful group that actually believes the myth and their own hype. They are the only ones with all of the right answers. They can insult to kingdom come. They do it well.

Today, the most powerful of all, the U.S. Senate, just approved a stopgap measure that would keep the federal government funded through the next two weeks, sending the bill on to President Obama for his signature.

The bill, which would cut $4 billion in spending by targeting programs that Obama has already marked for elimination, passed on a 91 to 9 vote, one day after it was approved by the House that had already approved a $61 billion dollar reduction one month ago. Obama must sign the bill by Friday or else the federal government will be forced to shut down.

There really are more important issues than what we have in this City as well as the CRA appointed Board members, some with future political aspirations, insulting everyone who is in their way.

Read more at The Washington Post on the Stopgap measure.

1 comment:

  1. You are so on target with these statements. I agree, it seems that the people in power never want to be challenged or questioned, God forbid they could be wrong. They like everything to fit perfectly in their little box, well life is not like that, there is a lot of gray and not all is so black and white. No one wants to listen to the people anymore. They like to use a lot of name calling and evil hateful words if someone doesn't agree with them. Well, two wrongs do not make a right, the greed, corruption, dishonesty, power grabs, etc. are so a part of the leadership at all levels in this city and country. They wonder how you can respect them, or call them into question, but the facts remain, the greed, corruption, lack of integrity speaks louder than actions and all the attacks. It is funny often how we hear so many promises during election time, and then when they get elected, they never want to hear any more from us. Just keep dismissing us leaders, the truth always comes out. All we want is effective leadership that listens to the people and is honest and upright in running things. This is a democracy and we all have a right to speak out against anything we might question about your decisions and actions while in power. Thank you Lynn for this website as an outlet to share.
