Sunday, March 20, 2011

The Central Florida Coalition for Growth and Prosperity

Another feel good name for a group hellbent on identifying economic and regulatory barriers to its objectives--making tons of money and paving over Florida. This organization is even using the same colors as it did in the Vote NO on Amendment 4 campaign, the ominous red and black. It says that it will also use the exact same tactics to get its way.

It sure does not want any Florida government agencies giving them a hard time and they are happy that Scott has dismantled the DCA. The word "democracy" is not in its vocabulary if it interferes in the right of its members to make BIG $$$ at the expense of our great State. It pretends to support jobs but all along it is about labor bringing more money to line their pockets.

This is how you take over an entire State: CLICK HERE.

Remove Barriers to Growth

First a designated region in Florida-- next the entire State, then the Country. Fat Cats, The Chamber and Ryan Houck--a deadly cancer that is out to ruin the health of Florida.

1 comment:

  1. Agreed. Though the "Open For Business" is a good message, the coalition has a runaway agenda.
