Sunday, February 20, 2011

Why we need 287G

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Davidson County Tennessee implemented a 287G Program in 2007. Crime has steadily been reduced and in fact, jail cells are emptying. They say that they have so much unused jail space that they are renting it out and have saved over $300,000 a week since 287G.

Florida spends $2.4 billion a year on incarceration. Gov. Rick Scott wants the Legislature to use privately run lockups and transfer about 2,000 inmates from state-run prisons thus saving $135 million in the first year. There are about 5,000 illegal aliens in Florida prisons. Read more at: The Miami Herald.

287G is needed legislation to take back our country. Read the Fact Sheet.

1 comment:

  1. i was listening to a radio interview and I like Donald Trumps views on things like this-THE UNITED STATES SHOULD BILL THE COUNTRY OF ORIGIN.
