Thursday, February 10, 2011

Rene Varela - his last State of the City Speech

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The Mayor essentially gave a 30 minute PR speech for the City of Lake Worth naming its accomplishments as well as the good things to expect in the future. Public Relations is something we should have been doing all along. The Sheriff's Department is a master at it and look how its paid off for them. Perception is reality even when we can't afford the expense. Mayor Varela said that it will take the PBSO another 8 to 10 years to eradicate the stigma we have endured of gangs and crime.

Accolades were given starting with those who built our city nearly 100 years ago from the ground up to those of us who live here today. He touted all that has been accomplished in our Utility Department as well as other departments throughout our City government. Saying that we have many challenges he also said that we have many tremendous opportunities. Electric rates must come down, starting this year.

Our City needs to become more affordable, he said, as well as people need to treat others with dignity...we need to become a better version of ourselves.

Listen to the speech.


  1. Another ten years? By then the Sheriff will cost us 28 million. Bottom line is, there will always be crime.

  2. I was there and it really was sort of a waste of time. For those who never attend a commission meeting or keep up with what's going on, it might have made them feel a little better even when he mentioned the $4.5 mil shortfall for this year. that was sort of glossed over.
