Friday, February 18, 2011

Mayor's Responsibilities

(Ord. No. 2007-11, § 2, 2-6-07)

Sec. 3. - Mayor, vice mayor, and vice mayor pro tem.

The mayor shall be elected as provided in this article, and the city commission shall elect from among its members a vice mayor, and a vice mayor pro tem to serve at the pleasure of the city commission. Election of the vice mayor and vice mayor pro tem shall be done annually at the first regular city commission meeting after the general election. The mayor shall preside at meetings of the commission, shall be recognized as head of city government for all ceremonial purposes, by the governor for purposes of military law, for civil emergencies, for service of process, execution of contracts, deeds and other documents, and as the city official designated to represent the city in all agreements with other governmental entities or certifications to other governmental entities, but shall have no administrative duties except as required to carry out the responsibilities herein. The vice shall act as mayor in the absence or disability of the mayor. The vice mayor pro tem shall act as mayor in the absence or disability of the mayor and vice mayor. In addition to other duties, the mayor shall have a voice and a vote in all commission proceedings, but shall have no veto power.


And to the AH who continues to try and comment over here and who has NO idea of what he is saying in his rants, please go back to 1st grade and learn how to 1) read and 2) comprehend. Get a sense of history before you personally attack me. And STFU.

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