Monday, February 14, 2011

Makow's Conspiracy Theory

Egypt setting the stage for World War III?

Dr. Henry Makow says so.

Dr. Makow says, "The turmoil in Egypt is another contrived, Illuminati backed color" revolution designed to install puppets more subservient to their London-based masters." In this context, the Illuminati are believed to be the masterminds behind events that will lead to the establishment of a New World Order, an Order of which Glenn Beck reminds us. Over the last decade, we have seen such "revolutions" in Serbia, Georgia, Ukraine, Kyrgyzstan, Mongolia and recent failed attempts in Burma, Iran and Thailand.

Makow believes that the "War on Terror" is a protection racket. The aggressor is the world financial elite known as the "Crown" based in the City of London. Their instrument is the Zionist project, specifically, the Israeli government, the Mossad and their Neo Con/Zionist allies in the US.

He further states, "The victim is the people of the United States and the West in general. The goal is the overthrow of Western Civilization, and the establishment of a world police state called the New World Order.

Human rights" and "democracy" is always the pretext for these Illuminati gambits, dating back to the French and Russian Revolutions. They take advantage of genuine grievances to hoodwink the public and gain power."

No one really knows what's going on in Egypt. What really provoked this revolution? Did anyone know that the people were so damn miserable? We like to believe that it was because they wanted democracy.

Read more of what Dr. Makow has to say in his recent article. Some people firmly believe that he is totally off the wall. This is presented here as food for thought and because I like conspiracy theories.

1 comment:

  1. Saiful Rimkeit here from San Jose, CA. We'll return to Sonoma County when my wife retires.
    I've made it my part time hobby since 1965 to wear a Tin Foil Hat when I was about 17 reading various books describing the shenanigans these C.R.E.E.P.S. have foisted upon Humanity. Most conspiracy roads do, indeed, lead to London. (The Southpark cartoon song should have been sung to say "Blame London " rather than "Blame Canada". )
    If Dr. Makow is considered a Nutbar, then I proudly , join his Club. :-)
    I never got behind keeping notes or turned all my reading and distilled all into a book or created a blog. But I'm happy to have run into yours. What I don't quite get is that I'm the first to comment.
    I was searching through the duck duck go browser Doc Makow's board game name and here I landed insead.
    A Latvian vegan architect, friend of my Mother's startled me at that young age by telling me 3 basics that turned my mind into a hunter of "conspiracies "and alternative history. 1. That the ratio of mass printing books which were useful were kept at about 15%, while the useless books occupied about 85% of the store sheves. That the Beatles used rythms which mimic the rythms put out by the Sun. Thus affecting more ready to be influenced young hearts. And that most conflicts were subsidised by Banksters. My term, not his. I never saw him again. :-(
    I shall return. Or in more modern language, I'll be back. Thanks, Arnold.
    The verication picture does not display steadily.
