Friday, February 25, 2011

Like Father, Like Son - The Murrys

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Kent Murry, is the son of Ken Murry, one of the developers of LakeSide Point Gardens in Lake Worth, Florida, a community that was developed in 1965-66. Later his dad went on to build Murry Hills. He was a young kid of privilege back in those days. His dad was good looking, an entrepreneur and built a good product. I say this because we have withstood every major hurricane in the past 46 years and this community is solid.

His father got into financial problems. The story goes that many Murry Hills residents who had paid Ken Murry couldn't get clear title to their condos; Murry had failed to pay his sub-contractors. He was forced to clear the titles and make them whole. Finances drove him to "easy money." He become a drug dealer and his kid followed father, like son. If we can't rip people off from having a roof over their heads, we will just rip them off with a substance that plays with their heads.

In the late 1970s, Kent, the son, who it was said packed an assault weapon, was dealing in marijuana. A lot of people were smoking it--it was the "cool" thing at that time. The Hippy generation had already arrived the decade before. All the seeds had been planted by the "times" and his father's influence. He was arrested at Lantana Airport by vice agents on smuggling charges. He was later arrested again for dropping 4,500 lbs of marijuana.

His Dad was involved in a conspiracy charge to commit murder of “Goat” Roper, an employee of his in the drug trafficking trade and who was shot to death right before the trial began. Goat was about to testify against him for drug dealing. It was said that "Goat" was a redneck Cocaine Cowboy who knew where his bread was buttered if he didn't want to go to prison along with his boss. He was going to "snitch."

Through the decades, Kent, the son, has been in and out of prison and eventually got into the “pain pushing" drug business. Usually people grow up, but not Kent. Now instead of a young 23 year old involved in drugs, he is a senior citizen involved in a different type of drug--prescription. Perhaps he thought there was a ring of legitimacy to it as all of us Seniors feel pain from time to time. After all, he was dealing with doctors. He was back in the news yesterday regarding pain clinics. Drug agents charged him with doctor shopping and trafficking in prescription painkillers, saying he "duped prescribers in doctor visits dating to 2007."

Back in February 2010, the Lake Worth Commission voted to put a moratorium on pain clinics. It came back to the Commission on August 17, 2010 and on a 5/0 vote, it was decided to regulate pain clinics and extend the moratorium for another 180 days. The moratorium is now up and it is time to pass a Resolution banning them altogether.

Read about it HERE.


  1. This was very interesting, Lynn. I live out here in Murry Hills. Is the dad still alive?

  2. I would rather doubt it. If he were, he would be at least 90 by now. I will try to find out though.

  3. Hi Lynn,
    I have a story about the Murray's. My neighbor was the babysitter for Kent Murray's little girl and she always smelled like pot!!! My neighbor was young and knew that smell.

  4. i knew kenny back in the day.nice guy. once drug addict always a drug addict.

  5. kenny was a good race car driver many yearsago.he was a fun guy to hang around with.

  6. I am the granddaughter of Ken Murry and the niece of Kent "Uncle Kenny". My grandfather allegedly committed suicide on April 1st, 1992, which happened to be my birthday and his son, Mark Murry's birthday.

    I was always sheltered from the stuff my Grandpa did. I was never allowed to watch the news because he was always on it...usually in handcuffs! (OK...I caught a peek at the news one night when my dad wasn't watching!)

    The Grandpa I knew was a loving man. He would take me to movies, buy me dolls, take me on the boat on Lake Ida...I loved my Grandpa. I've heard stories over the years about what a bad man he was. So out of curiosity, I've decided to see what I could find on the internet. I have to say...I'm a little shocked by what I've found...even though I know the stories are true. He left quite a notorious legacy.

    As an adult, I haven't had anything to do with "that side" of the family. The last time I saw Uncle Kenny was at my mother's, Patricia Murry Anderson, funeral in 2003. It's a shame that some of Grandpa's children have followed down that path. Uncle Mark is serving life in a Florida prison. Uncle Donny, from what I gather, is a stand up guy...the smart one to get out of that mess. And Aunt Cindy...I have no idea where she is. Part of me wants to reconnect with them, another knows to stay away. If they somehow come across this post, I would like them to matter what has happened in the past, the pain, the moral struggles, I do love all of you and hope that you will find peace. I have so many fond memories of each one of you and I know love and kindness is in you. I just hope that one day, you will be able to see it in yourself and make a change.

    1. Tonight I was just thinking about a childhood buddy, Mark Murry. Started with searching Cindy. Think her last name is Todd now, hall of fame water skier. Then to Kent, and stumbled on this. Their home on lake Ida was AWESOME! As a kid, I wished I was Rich and had what they had. Gosh, as young kids, Mark and I making pipe bombs out of firecrackers in his bedroom! lol. Kids. Anyway, guess I know about Mark now. Best to you.

  7. One thing I can say is, Ken Murry built a wonderful place here at Lakeside Point Gardens. I am the 3rd generation to live here in the same condo unit. It has withstood every hurricane and still solidly built.

    I remember your grandfather having seen him at a distance when I was in my 20's. He was a handsome man as I recall.

    Grandfathers are always special; mine was and I miss him very much as you do yours. In spite of skeletons in one's closet, there are always good and wonderful sides of all people don't you think?

    Thanks for writing. I hope that you do reconnect with our family one is all we have and all that matters in the end.
