Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Lake Worth Shuffleboard Courts - Does History mean anything?

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A post card photo from the 1930's shows our shuffleboard courts located at City Hall. We have had shuffleboard courts forever and they are a part of our Lake Worth history soon to be celebrated in two years on its 100th birthday.

The City has announced that it plans to demolish our courts that were moved slightly west of city hall to what is known as the Shuffleboard Court Building and install a park in place of the courts so that people can hangout. Spring is the time-line for jackhammering.

The Mayor gave a political quote in the PB Post as saying, "In this day of tightening budgets, cities such as ours are choosing to focus more clearly on how we can best serve the entire community in more cost-effective and targeted ways." Joe Kroll, public Works Director, says that people just aren't coming to the shuffleboard courts like they used to. Guess what, Joe--the courts were a disgrace and someone(s) responsible for what happened there.

I blame all of it on the Lessee as well as City Staff for not informing the "boss" as to the conditions of our property and that the Lessee was breaking the lease for not taking care of it. They allowed the Lessee to completely destroy our property in just a couple of years. But the ultimate responsibility is a past commission that voted on this Lease to begin with.

Commissioner Scott Maxwell said, "The commission should debate the future of the shuffleboard courts before appropriating money to demolish them." Well yeah...to me, that is just common sense. This is another recreational facility. So the question is,


Why has this not been an agenda item. How can the city manager make this decision? Our history is quickly being eroded and we have no say about it.


  1. This is a sin, is that what they are doing taking that building down and putting a park there? That is a voting location, what will happen with that and the people that go there? That building is used for many meetings in the past, our leaders just are not who I want representing me, including Stanton, do they listen to us? This is a sin.

    What I don't understand is that is ICE and immigration and border patrol just waiting for laws to change and amnesty, is that why they do nothing about ridding our city of all these thousands of illegals? You can't tell me all those thousands of illegals at the flea markets aren't illegal? Maybe with Obama's big cuts now to the poor and cutting all this welfare and Wic for the illegals anchor babies, this will then make many go back when they don't get all this free stuff. What is ICE, Border Patrol, and our elected officials doing? Our history is going to hell, and lawlessness, chaos, and ineffectiveness seems to rule here and in our country. Lynn, I am as upset as you are. What is next?

  2. Actually, they are planning on taking out the shuffleboard courts--the building will stay and the City is repairing it for its use. Recreation Dept will be housed there and what better recreation than to continue with shuffleboard?

    The problem with taking out the shuffleboard courts is that it is just one more thing relative to our history and used by many especially the Seniors. The Seniors in this city are throw away people. The City took away the trolley, some their only transportation that was affordable. It took them to the grocery, the beach and to the Shuffleboard Court bldg. The Senior Center was given to Compass and now the shuffleboard courts are on the chopping block. It seems that The Mentoring Center is gone but the problem that caused its destruction will be placated by installing a park. Quid Pro Quo behind the scenes?

  3. Can we just please stop throwing our history out with the trash?
