Sunday, February 13, 2011

Lake Osborne Tragedy

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You have to wonder. Perhaps the driver only had one beer as he claims. Perhaps it was the weather conditions and he lost control. What were all these under-age kids doing at that time of the morning? Where were their parents?

But if you are driving the speed limit on Lake Osborne which is 30 mph, cars don't get out of control, people don't die and animals are not killed. The people out here have been complaining about the speeders for years. Murry Hills finally got two speed bumps which reduces the speed to 25. It looks like it happened right by the bump. I have seen everything but a human run down on this road. It's just a matter of time.


  1. Lynn,

    This was undoubtedly a senseless tragedy. It is ironic how it happened inches from the 25 M.P.H. speed limit sign. I doubt very much that there would have been any lives lost had this accident happened to a vehicle going 25 M.P.H. or less.

    More has to be done about traffic calming on Lake Osborne to avoid further loss of life due to automobile accidents.

  2. Lots of ribbons and balloons at the accident site,plus pictures of the two young people who were killed. Teen aged brains just aren't wired to think"Hey, I could die if I do this".Maybe what the accident site needs is a big sign saying DRINKING AND DRIVING DON'T MIX. One of the many kids stopping by to mourn might just pay attention. For once.
