Thursday, February 17, 2011

I mow Grass and pick up Trash but I want $50,000 a year

Someone commented yesterday on this Blog regarding Unions-- their point was that the elected commissioners would not stick their necks out regarding the Unions and that Stanton was virtually alone to solve the problem. I want to assure you that there are bigger fish in the sea who are trying to do something. These are people for whom I admire like Rand Paul. His message will be up very soon.

Ronald Reagan went head to head with the Unions. Air Traffic controllers demanded a whopping raise back in 1981--13,000 out of 17,500 of them walked off the job, did not end the strike and were fired and replaced by people who would work. The public sided with the government and exhibited little sympathy for individuals whose earnings were already well above the national average. AFL-CIO president Lane Kirkland accused Reagan of "brutal overkill" in firing the strikers, and another union leader complained that the president was engaged in "union-busting."

Our employees can not walk off the job--it's in the rules, but they are squawking every chance they can get. Most all of them are all paid more than the average worker in Lake Worth. Certainly their benefits are more. There is always the exception depending on the job description. How much do you think someone should make per hour who mows grass or picks up trash?

If the President of the United States can take a stand, so can our City Commissioners, the ones with principle over politics. Reagan took the lead and our commissioners can follow. City Manager, Susan Stanton, should not be doing this alone.

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