Thursday, February 17, 2011

E-Verify in the Legislature now


Call House Speaker Dean Cannon 850/488-2742 and 407/623-5740

Call Senate President Mike Haridopolos 850/487-5056 and 321/752-3131


The E-Verify program is an effective tool for employers to use to check the eligibility of new hires to be employed legally.

E-Verify is a partnership effort between SS and DHS. Companies can use the system directly or through a designated e-verify agent if they wish or should they not have a computer system.

In 2005 the employment verification program went national with a tiny number of only 1,533 companies voluntarily participating in the free, fast and highly accurate program. Growth of the program has been dramatic as today there are over 243,000 companies with over 834,000 work sites voluntarily using the system; an increase of 158 fold in just five years.

In 2010 there were over 16,000,000 employment queries submitted. Most responses are within seconds of a query. The current system is powerful enough to handle every company in the U.S.A. needs if they enrolled on the system today.

In 2010, One in four new hires in the nation were processed through the E-Verify employment verification system. 1,400 companies weekly enroll in the voluntary program nationwide.

Employer satisfaction with the E-Verify system is over 90%. Florida currently has 10,000 companies with over 39,000 statewide locations currently enrolled. Mandatory E-Verify in Florida means all new hires will be legal workers. Wages earned in Florida will be spent in Florida and not sent out of the country. Denied employment, illegal aliens will self-deport dramatically reducing the costs currently to educate, medicate and incarcerate them. Without job opportunities, illegal aliens will stop coming to Florida.

Pass SB 518 and the house version, HB 691 this session. Floridians have waited over a decade for the illegal immigration chaos and anarchy to end.


1 comment:

  1. Dean cannon and Mike I'm a growth-whore-adopolus will NEVER let e-verify be implemented. Their masters,Agriculture and development, DO NOT WANT TO LOSE THEIR CHEAP LABOR !!!
