Thursday, February 10, 2011

Lake Worth Crime is down!!??

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Here is the Crime Alert you’ve requested for today, February 10, 2011, which spans the last week.
Property Crime 5
Death 3
Theft 18
Drugs 16
Vehicle Recovery 2
Disorder 4
Family Offense 11
Liquor 5
Robbery 2
Alarm 8
Other 29
Pedestrian Stop 22
Traffic 29
Assault 13


  1. I have been living in Lake Worth for the past 15 years now, and I can say I notice a major improvement with crime issues. It was really bad a few years back, the immigrants were out of control, drunks all over, prostitutes on street corners and whore houses galore. It looks cleaner and feels so much better and safer. I am sure a lot is due to the fact that we have the PBSO here and also Susan Stanton and her leadership. Lake Worth is on its way to becoming the best city ever where everyone will want to live again. We really do have a super little city by the sea here. Lynn, thanks for caring and spreading all the good news about our great city.

  2. Many of the immigrants have moved away--no jobs. Perhaps now we can take back our neighborhoods and really crack down on irresponsible landlords who helped ruin our city. Now that The Mentoring Center has closed,thanks to this commission, I believe that we will be seeing less and less crime. Crime is still prevalent and hopefully it will continue to go down. The immigrants were victims of crime here because most did not have bank accounts and carried cash and were fair game in some eyes just because they were illegal. PBSO has shooed the homeless from the Cultural Plaza so we no longer have to endure them pestering residents. We have a long way to go as these crime stats indicate--they were only for one week. We will never have perfect but I believe that we are headed in the direction of the best little city by the sea by decisions made by some of our commissioners.

  3. Which decisions were those Lynn?
    Educate us please. Was it the decision to lay down and roll over for a city manager clearly in over her head? The decision to gut code enforcement? Most people want to live in a clean safe city. Ask any realtor, potential residents take a look at the condition of the city's neighborhoods and say- next. These commissioners voted to gut code. Was it the decision to increase utility rates? to 50% higher than FPL? Any family of 4 that does their research will take a look at the city's rates and realize that over a 12 month period they will end up paying thousands more a year for utilities. The same goes for businesses. That's a couple of mortgage payments. Balancing the city's budget based on increasing utility rates is a really poor decision. Is discouraging any new business from relocating to Lake Worth a good decision? What are they doing to attract businesses? You can't include Publix because they gave Publix a hard time about nonsense. You can't include the PBC Cultural Council because they, like you were against that too. They lied about saving the casino when 90% of it is going to get knocked down. Was that a good decision? Poor decisions have resulted in lawsuits. Now they are going to get rid of PBSO because a consultant told them to. Instead of cutting everything, which one of them has offered a way to increase revenue? Arguing for lower rents for the existing beach tenants is a nice touch but is it going to pay the bills? Another poor decision. People are RUNNING away from Lake Worth Lynn. You can continue down the delusional path the city is getting better but at some point Lynn you have to face reality. The city has gone backwards over the past 5 years. Blame past commissions but THIS commission is doing nothing.
    You want to see a great bustling little city by the sea drive down to Delray on a Saturday or Sunday afternoon then come back to Lake Worth. The more you try to defend the incompetent fools the worse it gets.

  4. First, it was NOT these commissioners who voted to gut code. It was one of them.

    No one really gave Publix a "hard time." In fact, they got 1/2 million dollars from our CRA. I would say that was giving them a "generous time" and no one was offended by the questions but a small group that is offended by just about everything here. They were asked a couple of questions. Big deal. We now will have a much smaller store adjacent to a residential neighborhood. Swell. And yu will still get your immigrant population shopping there.

    No one has said that "they are going to get rid of PBSO." NO ONE. No consultant told them to get rid of PBSO. In fact, I doubt if we can afford our own police department now, as much as I would like to have it back.

    We have a store that re-located here from Delray. Ask the owner what she thinks of Delray and why she LOVES being here in LW. Our city downtown is packed with customers every time I am there.

    The City went backwards because we turned our back on the illegal immigration situation and allowed Socialism to rear its ugly head in LW. We turned our back on 20 people living in one room. We now have a new Commission.

    I believe that the City WILL get better but as the Mayor said, it will not be will take years. The decisions we make today will pay off in the future.

    No one lied about the Casino.

    What has the PB Cultural Council done for Lake Worth...another huge expense paid for by the CRA. But this is another decision that might pay off down the road.

    Planting the right seeds is the way to go. We are doing that now.

  5. Lynn - please explain why we need to pay an out of town consultant $50,000 to tell us what to do about PBSO?

    Why will the casino be mostly new construction - not renovation?

    What is the current commission doing to eliminate slum and blight?

    Please open your eyes.

  6. 1. Do YOU know what to do about PBSO? After 2012, the City has NO control over what the PBSO will be charging us. The could double the cost--then what?
    2. So what if the new casino will be primarily new construction?" What's the problem. All along we said that.
    3. The current commission is doing the same thing that all previous commissions have done...Code enforcement. If you have a problem property, call them.
    4. My eyes are opened. What about your mind?
