Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Control the Borders

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Even by Juarez standards, a deadly 72 hours

February 20, 2011
By Nick Valencia and Arturo Chacon, CNN

Fifty-three people were killed in a 72-hour span in Ciudad Juarez, Mexico, making it one of the deadliest three-day periods in recent memory, state attorney general's office spokesman Arturo Sandoval told CNN Sunday.

Among the dead were four police officers from three different agencies, Sandoval said. "This is the worst violence we've seen this year," he said, referring to the three days from Thursday through Saturday. The bloodshed started on Thursday with 14 people killed, including a municipal police officer


  1. This is horrible, the US and Mexico need to work together to stop human trafficking and narco-trafficking, they are both the problem to all this crime and violence on our borders. We need to unite and join forces for the betterment of humanity. People and countries need to work together to stop these forms of trafficking, they are destroying the fabric of our western world. Prayer can help, but we all need to work together and do what is right.

  2. ALL PEOPLE WHO CONSUME, USE, AND ABUSE DRUGS IN THE USA are part of the big problem to the destruction of nations like Mexico and Colombia for example, the crime and problems related to drugs only hurt an entire country as a whole and all its people. There is a lot of insecurity, less jobs, high unemployment, crime, no tourism, etc., this hurts the entire country. I feel bad for the people in Colombia who have been displaced due to the drug problems and insecurity to live in the country there, the same is now happening in Mexico, it is unsafe to live and drive through many of these areas now in Mexico. ANY ONE that uses or abuses drugs is directly and/or indirectly responsible for hurting other countries. I hope people realize this. It is all very sad.
