Thursday, February 24, 2011

Code of Conduct in Lake Worth

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  1. Real important stuff the "best commission ever" spends taxpayer money on. If they did anything that resembled a halfway decent job residents may be civil. But if they expect tax payers to be civil based on their job performance they need to find another job. They should have been instructed respect doesn't come with sitting on the dais, you have to earn it. If people don't respect you it's because you haven'tt earned it.

  2. Look fella, leave it alone. What you said is just political bull and you know it. Go somewhere else with your bull...any other local blog will do. They will all accept you as Mr. Gospel. OK?

  3. A good leader or Mayor can handle someone at the podium that is being disrespectful. I've seen in our commission chamber, but not in many years.

    I remember this one BIG guy was up there, hollering and pointing his finger at them, using "fighting words". Very confrontational. Dennis Dorsey told him to shut up and called him a coward. I thought the guy was going to crawl over the bench... but he shriveled up like a little girl.

    Sometimes, bullies just have to be slapped.

    We are entering very confrontational times. I believe we will see violence soon, because that's what the anarchists and unions want.... to cause chaos. Watch Glenn Beck. He may be upsetting, but he is also not proven wrong.

  4. How many times did I hear Dee or Lawrence call a commissioner a crook or other name. It happens on both sides of the political spectrum and it's wrong. In the past the mayors have allowed this conduct and it needs to stop. You always can address the commission and tell them you think the job they are doing is wrong. If you are angry than write to the commission and tell them how you feel. Some times I think folks want to put on a show.

  5. People should be able to express their opinion. If you are not threatening or using profanity, what is the problem?

  6. Is this coming from the same person who has insulted the commission on many occasions. "I would never hire any of you" as you shouted the insult. Write the commission a letter? That will get me far.

  7. Going to a commission meeting and complaining or telling them they got it wrong has become a waste of time. They really don't care what we have to say. The decisions have been made long before we get there. Until that changes, we are all pawns. Our only power is to throw the bums out and try again. The problem is we tend to get a new set of bums.
