Friday, February 25, 2011

Census Lake Worth

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There has been much to say about the Lake Worth Census--why aren't the facts out yet? What's going on? People have actually inferred that those involved did something wrong. I had a Commissioner ask me about the delay. The census takers didn't do anything wrong but did everything right and worked their butts off to boot.

Census data for Florida will be out by April 1, 2011.


  1. Actually Lynn, it is my understanding that there was a great deal the Census Workers did wrong. I got everything second hand from other Census Workers in Palm Beach county.
    Evidently the discrepancies in reporting were so bad that the District Leader had to be replaced and special scrutiny was needed on Phase II of the Census because of the number and type of discrepancies found in the initial data gathering phase of the Census.
    I asked specific questions about Annabeth Karson, but never received any information about whether or not she was involved in the false reporting and other problems encountered in Phase I.

  2. It is really sad when there are people who continually look for what is "wrong" rather than what is "right."

    I know for a fact that Annabeth and Shauna were on top of everything--others gathered the information. It has to be an awesome job just to get the info. Someone here in my building did not complete his census and someone was sent here to inquire about it. She set up meetings in the various communities to explain the importance of filling in the census and if they were illegal, they would not be kicked out of the country. I am rather sure that a vast majority of illeglas did NOT cooperate inspite of all that Annabeth did to convince them otherwise. Their on-going effort to get the information out to the public was amazing.

    I am glad that you have not implied that they did anything unethical or wrong in this important job although you inquired about Annabeth specifically. They took it very seriously, working day and night.

  3. Lynn what "facts" are you basing your reporting on? Were you working with them everyday? Do you have FIRST hand knowledge of their daily activities? Or is this just another example of "I heard she was a volunteer"?
    Your report seems politically based.

  4. Well, were you "working with them every day" to know that they were NOT doing the job? Wait until April 1 and let's see how it comes in. Let's look at the positive rather than taking jabs at people trying to do a complete job for the city to the best of their ability. In other words, quit playing politics.
