Monday, February 21, 2011

Cairo coming to America?

"For a time last week, Madison, Wis. resembled Cairo, Egypt as thousands of protesters descended on the Wisconsin capital to protest Governor Scott Walker's proposal to strip most government workers of their collective bargaining rights. Teachers called in sick and their students marched in protest. Union members bused in protesters for the occasion. Read this article to see what the Wisconsin protests portend...

Watch for much theater out of Washington in the coming days. Elected elites will posture and preen. The press will wail and gnash its teeth over the “draconian cuts” that will lead to “starving children, displaced elderly and hardships for the weakest among us.” And the money printers will continue to churn and dollars will continue to fly out the door.

Meanwhile, when State lawmakers do make the hard choices, those who long sucked off the government teat — led by the thugs directing the government employee unions and egged on by the press — will march on their capitals demanding that its government rape the taxpayers one more time to ensure their cushy arrangement."

Read the rest of the article at Personal Liberty.

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