Friday, February 18, 2011

Anonymous Commenter - No balls

There is one citizen out here in the community who has denied "corruption" has existed in Lake Worth. He is always disrespectful and he always writes, anonymously of course. His favorite charge is, "prove it." He has no balls and hides behind the shield of anonymity so that he can cyber attack. Well, you don't have to prove it when you can see it before your very eyes. My eyes are opened and I suggest that this person open hers/his because he wouldn't know corruption if it hit him squarely in the face of justice.

He/she wrote some of the following--the others were just "too, too" to bother with:
Is voting to increase water rates by 80% in the best interest of all citizens? Is cancelling the contract with PBSO when 99% of residents want to keep them in the best interest of all residents? The writer goes on to ask, "Isn't bending over backwards to make sure your political benefactors get favorable leases corrupt?"..."The other blogger has shot enough holes in your revionist(sic) history stories that you have no creditabilty (sic) and your posts are nothing more than fairy tales."...Funny you would bring up Drautz because any momentum the city had moving forward towards prosperity died when he got elected. And the "best commission ever" is now throwing the dirt but luckily there are enough people in town that care and have common sense that Lake Worth will ge (sic) turned around leaving you and your cronies and "the best commission ever" in the rear view mirror.
And there won't be any corruption or over developement(sic) or evil developers or any other of the boogey (sic) men you like to bring up to scare the uninformed.

Since this commenter loves to personally attack, and he is so informed, I have decided to answer a couple of the outrageous charges as follows:

The water rate issue: The water rate has been increased in order to pay for the Reverse Osmosis System. If we had gone to PB County water, we would have had to raise the rates as well and at the same percentage and for the same amount of time.

Canceling the Contract with PBSO: A Study has been contracted to provide options on our public safety service. The Contract with PBSO is unsustainable going forward as are the Union Contracts. If 99% of the people want the PBSO as the writer says, then they need to fully understand the cost of it and how costs will escalate now that we no longer have control over the rate of increase after 2012. They need to fully understand our financial picture. Do they need a Cadillac or will a Ford do? It will be up to Staff and the Commission to evaluate the final Study and make the correct choice.

Leases to the present beach merchants: This was already stated at a city commission meeting that the present merchants would have right of first refusal at the market rate. So no one is bending over backwards. What the commission is doing is giving the present merchants, some who have been here for over 3 decades, some common courtesy.

Fairy Tales: The only writer telling fairy tales here is the commenter above. My blogs are researched unlike his/her comments based on sheer emotion. Take a chill pill and do your homework.

Mark Drautz: Drautz was an honest and caring guy, more than I can say for a lot of those who preceded him or came after him. He tried to make a difference with a commission that voted against him going so far as to grab the Greater Bay contract out of his hands. He was on the other side of the 3/2 vote so don't go blaming Drautz for any problems in this City during his tenure or the slum and blight.

And as a parting note, I will be looking at ya, while you stand in the dust, out of my rear view mirror.

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