Sunday, January 23, 2011

New assistant to Susan Stanton

I have been seeing this name occasionally: Kathleen S. Margoles. The PB Post announced her employment in December. It used to be that we had an Assistant City Manager. Not so now. Ms. Margoles has the title of Assistant to the City Manager which is more like an executive assistant than someone who actually can lead the city when the City Manager is incapacitated or unavailable. An executive assistant forms the epicenter of the various managerial works that are under the direction of the City Manager.

The City is paying Ms. Margoles $18.5 thousand more a year than it paid Rachel Smithson as Assistant to the City Manager. The Post in a previous article said that Smithson was paid $50 K a year.

Now that Diane Clark is gone as Human Resource Director, Ms. Margoles is requesting that applicants for that job send her their requirements.

The starting salary is expected to be in the range of $74,250-116,970. Fringe benefits are competitive with the local market.

Mr. DeWoody, former Chair of the Chamber of Commerce Palm Beaches, was sitting next to Ms. Margoles at the last city commission meeting, and is the broker from Compass Realty who will be the exclusive broker at our Casino and who said that "I don't have to cooperate with other brokers." We have to wonder if he was introduced to the CM by Ms. Margoles as no one knew of him.

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