Monday, January 3, 2011

Mentoring Center Today

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I noticed several people hanging around the shuffleboard courts this morning so I stopped by the Mentoring Center (aka illegal hiring hall) on my way back from City Hall just to see what was going on. As you recall, they are supposed to be OFF our property as of January 1.

The entire exterior is filthy beyond imagination and that is too calm of a description for what I found. Cigarette butts all over the place, crap all over the sidewalks, people walking on our courts, the courts filthy with scum and mildew and the overall property remains with the effects of urine and total neglect. Overall, there were a lot of people who used this facility who had no respect for someone else's property.

When I took out my camera, the guy in the photo giving me the finger (who spoke good English) started shouting, "We have a Racist here." He announced to the group that I was a racist and an asshole. Another guy hanging out told me that the Mentoring Center told them to come back this morning and they would be told where they could hang out and continue to get free food, etc. As one of the "immigrants" walked by with an open container, he said that should never have been allowed. He was the reasonable one.

As we all know, those who were given a city lease for peanuts never took care of our property.

They should be billed for all the damage.


  1. Please provide the illegals with Tom's name and address. Better yet, provide Cara's and Jo-Ann's and everyone else who voted for the center. When they are asked to house, feed and cloth these people, then they may understand the rule of law a little better.

  2. I knew there had to be one issue I agreed with you on. I am all for sending the Mentoring a bill. Is there anything in the terms of the lease that state how the property should be left?

  3. I am happy to know that there is ONE thing on which we agree.

  4. To answer the above, section 2.6 of the Lease addresses this issue and the Lessee must repair our property at their expense.

  5. I used to play shuffleboard there. The courts were in good shape. Not anymore. It is tragic that the City let this decline like it does everything else. The Seniors have never been a priority in this city.

  6. How dare that low life shoot you the bird. Creep. That's senior abuse. This city allows this low-life element to exist and there is nothing we can do about it. Cara Jennings didn't run again which is a start because if she had, we would have voted her out. Progressives, my ass. Sniff.

  7. There are a lot of them on Lake and Lucerne now. What a mess.
