Saturday, January 22, 2011

Marketing Task Force in Lake Worth

Lake Worth Marketing and Branding Task Force Appointed

  • Gary Carlin, Marketing Professor at Florida Atlantic University. He will lead the Task Force.
  • Lake Worth resident, Carli Smith, representative from the Palm Beach County Convention and Visitor’s Bureau
  • Lake Worth Community Redevelopment Agency, Director Joan Oliva
  • Greater Lake Worth Chamber of Commerce, Executive Director, Beth Johnston
Commission Appointees:

Rene Varela: Jim Durbin

Scott Maxwell: Greg Rice

Christopher McVoy: Victoria Skinner

Suzanne Mulvehill: Ian Esplin, Owner Kayak Lake Worth

Jo-Ann Golden: Rachel Waterman

Thanks to all of the above who have volunteered to get Lake Worth ready for its 100th Birthday. Perhaps Beth Johnston of the Chamber of Commerce can pull in all her anti-4 allies to help--all the ones with the big bucks and big ideas, all the while "keeping politics out of it."

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