Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Last night's City Commission Meeting Lake Worth

Comment Up

Last night’s meeting was a long one. I left at 11pm before the commission liaison reports.

Mayor Varela conducted a good meeting and was sharp and articulate. Commissioner Maxwell showed restraint last night as well as his humor. When it came to the Labor Center being closed, Commissioner McVoy brought up that a few business owners were worried that now illegals would be hanging on the streets once again and we should consider that fact. No, Commissioner McVoy, the immigrants have ALWAYS been hanging on the streets plus they have totally destroyed our property at the shuffleboard courts. It was then asked where would they relocate and no one knew. Maxwell reminded them that wherever they moved, it would not be allowed by zoning.

Throughout the night, even though Mayor Varela read the wordage on the back of the comment card regarding outbursts, clapping, sneers, and name calling, the chatter continued off and on throughout the entire meeting, all coming from the back row. It was distracting on many occasions. I guess the Mayor didn't notice because he never called order in the Chamber. Some of the comments from the residents were loud and mean spirited—politics—with former candidate for Mayor, Loretta Sharpe, stating that no one on the dais listens to her anyway. We all feel that way at times. There are very few agenda items that are not already pre-decided by the Commission. What we think has no bearing, not really.

Upping the salary for the Commission fell on political ears. Not one commissioner was going to agree that they deserved more money than 100% less than poverty wage for their untold services to our community. Varela, in fact, is still trying to work out the details about taking 10% less than his $15,400 a year. This is a political hot potato and I can well understand their reluctance to even admit that they are underpaid especially when a citizen, Peter Timm, believes they should take NO salary at all. It is up to them if they want to be martyrs.

A marketing and re-branding Task Force was approved that will include four members from the list who were suggested by Commissioner Suzanne Mulvehill with each commissioner and Mayor being allowed to choose or recommend one member for the Task Force. Commissioner McVoy thought a task force with 7 members was more doable than 9. Maxwell wanted this board to have staff support. This will be brought back on January 18. This will be a voluntary board that is a necessity to get ready for our Millennium.

Rene Varela, saying that he wants our city to have a voice, asked that his Mayoral Conference trip to Washington DC be approved. He stated that even though he would be leaving after his term, he was “still the mayor.” He assured the rest of the body that he would have a full report upon his return. This is a precedent that should be followed by any commissioner who takes a trip on the taxpayer’s dime. Commissioner McVoy stated that even the South Florida Water Management where he works has ended all trips of this nature because of State budget constraints...if they go on trips, they pay out of pocket. I would have liked to have seen the commission take a much more forceful approach on this expenditure and voted it down along with all future travel of any kind. It was not to be. On a 3 to 2 vote with Mulvehill and McVoy dissenting, it passed. The 3 to 2 dais, that many times is a false perception, had a slight twist when Golden supported the Mayor’s trip. Politics again? Perhaps Golden will be running again afterall.

Rene Varela brought up the Lease at the CDC—it was allowed to lapse and Maxwell wants a full report from the City Manager on this and all leases in the city. Jo-Ann recused herself from the vote as she is a volunteer at the CDC. The public got to speak and one resident who was seated in the back row loudly accused Jo-Anne Golden of knowing this Lease had expired and that it was “illegal.” Perhaps there is some Ordinance regarding this but when any lease expires, the tenant goes on a month to month at the same terms as the expired lease. Under normal circumstances, there is nothing whatsoever illegal about this. Again, a resident playing politics.


  1. If all of the issues are pre-decided , then what in the hell is making these meetings so long? Do we still have the 1/2 hour discussion then workshop rule, or what?In my opinion these city meetings are not supposed to be back and forth argument sessions between commissioners. Do your homework on the issue,ask your district taxpayers how they wish you to vote,ask any needed questions of staff BEFORE the meeting,if possible.Listen to the public comment,and TAKE THE DAMNED VOTE!!If our Commissioners don't receive material in time for a review,then say so, and Don't vote!All Commissioner comments SHOULD BE LIMITED TO THREE MINUTES !!!!!And above all-WOULD JUST ONE OF YOU IDIOTS THAT WE ELECTED GROW A SET AND GET UP,SAY "IT'S 9:00,THIS MEETING HAS GONE ON LONG ENOUGH. I"M GOING HOME ".AND LEAVE!!!!! I will vote for that person for the rest of my life!

  2. If, and I do mean "if" I ever applied for a job that I knew in advance would require long hours, "passion" and dedication, willingness to be harangued and insulted, and the salary upfront, especially in Lake Worth's political environment and the challenges it faces, why on earth would I spit in the face of all citizens, employees, campaign workers, and municipal retirees by even HINTING that I might deserve a raise?

    Palm Beach Gardens? Pleeeeease! Give me a break. This idea of finding another municipality to compare our's to justify our argument is just over the top. How much do commissioners in South Bay get paid? Our "demographic" population might be the same there. How about Manalapan where the council receives no pay?

    Even IF they decided to raise their compensation, it should go before the voters, much like the Casino project was supposed to have, and not apply to anyone still in office.

  3. "Over the top" in your mind but salaries must be justified and comparables are a normal tool for that. This Commission deserves much more but they said "no." So, obviously I am giving them much more credit than they think they deserve. This commission would never get my support on a raise again.

  4. I'm curious as to why you came out so strongly for a salary increase, citing the dismal condition of the city. Not all of the problems were caused by the sitting commission, but no programs have been initiated by them to increase home ownership, business start-ups or expansions, and the voters have been left out of the beach process and building height decisions for a decidedly left wing, anti business (my opinion) agenda.

    In what way do we emulate Palm Beach Gardens? Might as well say Boca. Still think "over the top".

    These people are not doing it for the money. In Rene's case, it's a stepping stone like Clemens. It looks good on his resume up in Baltimore, which is conveniently close to where the Mayor's conference is. He wouldn't have a chance of re-election and he knows it. We need a strong leader for Mayor and unfortunately, you will probably support an anarchist, if one decides to run, over someone more like Lt. Col. Allen West, a true Patriot.

  5. Well, just wondering why you would think I would support an anarchist. I liked Cara Jennings for many of her votes--not her open border and immigrant stand. I absolutely was in disagreement with her public commentary last night. I did not like what she did to the beach but she saved the casino. You must not read my blog very often to make a statement such as this.

    Our elected officials deserve better than what they are making in a job that takes long hours and a lot of work. You disagree with that. They are policy makers. They are heading this city in the right direction. Let's give this a chance to succeed and turn around. This takes time. But after last night, they must agree with you--they did not want a raise. :)
