Tuesday, January 11, 2011

The Bachelor

Melissa Schreiber

Actually I am hooked on The Bachelor and The Bachelorette--don't ask me why. I think it is all about picking out the winner. It's very difficult to ever do that especially someone to spend the rest of your life with...it's all a crap shoot and a lot of giving more than receiving.

Melissa, above, was a waitress in Lake Worth, who quit her job to be on this show. Brad Womack, the bachelor, kicked her off last night. She should consider herself lucky--he doesn't turn me on. He was a jerk the first time around (he was the bachelor before and never found love) and no matter what he says, he is probably still a jerk.

Brad says that he's found love this time and is calling his "chosen one" 20 times a day. Now gals, wouldn't that get a little nauseating?

1 comment:

  1. I think he will pick Emily. He wants someone around that is not a "player" and will worship him.
