Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Allen West Sworn In

Congressman Allen West is sworn in to the 112th Congress

On this historic day in our nation's history, Congressman Allen West (R-FL) has been officially sworn in to the United States House of Representatives as a member of the 112th Congress.

"I am humbled and honored to be a part of this historic body of Congress," West said. "I have been given the trust of the constituents of the 22nd district of Florida. I will not let them down."

Accompanied by his two teenage daughters, Aubrey and Austen, and his wife Angela, West placed his hand on the bible and was asked to take the oath of Congress by newly elected Speaker of the House, John Boehner.

"South Floridians elected me with expectations that I will come to Washington and fight for what is important to them," West said. "My first priorities will be turning around this disastrous economy, limiting government spending, and national security." West has accepted appointments to the House Armed Services Committee and the Small Business Committee.

"Today is a day I will never forget," West said. "I spent 22 years wearing the uniform of a United States soldier fighting for this country. I may be in a different kind of uniform today, but my willingness to do whatever it takes to protect Americans remains the same."

Paid for by Allen West for Congress

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