Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Where is Assange?

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No one knows where Julian Assange is hiding out. His mother is worried and doesn't want anyone hurting her son. Apparently, only one country welcomes him -- Ecuador, which offered him residency, Reuters reported today.

Do you think that a capitalist and a sleazy opportunist is hiding out there? Ecuador is highly critical of U.S. doctrines and policies even though the total U.S. assistance to Ecuador amounted to nearly $60 million in 2009.

Ecuador is a Republic about the size of Colorado. Rafael Correa, President, has asserted that his political project, which he calls the "Citizens' Revolution," intends to search for social justice and reassert the supremacy of human labor over capital. His government has increased spending on housing, health care, and other popular social programs.


  1. The United States is Ecuador's principal trading partner. In 2009, Ecuador exported about $4.6 billion in products to the U.S. For over 15 years Ecuador has benefited from duty-free entry for many of its exports under the Andean Trade Preferences Act (ATPA) and received additional trade benefits under the Andean Trade Promotion and Drug Eradication Act (ATPDEA) in 2002. The U.S. Congress approved a number of extensions of those benefits. The ATPDEA is now set to expire on December 31, 2010. If Ecuador gives sanctuary to Assange, we need to allow ATPDEA to expire and all trade inequities must more duty free anything.

  2. Assange made a critical mistake-he embarrassed Hilary Clinton and the other world "elites".It's okay to out the little people who were doing intelligence work for us around the world. People who's lives were out in danger when they were outed. They don't matter.Now he has targeted the UBER elites. The world banks. Way to put a bulls eye on your butt,Assange.
