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I just picked up my Lake Worth Herald and continue to subscribe to it because it normally "gets me going." Patrick Parrish, the Editor, always has one way of looking at anything. Regarding the Sunset issue, he has always sympathized with the land speculators, not the 460 residential families in the Residents of Lake Osborne Heights neighborhood. Why is that? He loves to talk about law suits and continually insinuates that the City is in big do do.
As Mr. Parrish continues to recycle the same old stories and opinion pieces with words like "it appears," "the court may require," "it seems," I wrote the following blog back in July 2009 and nothing has changed. Please read it Mr. too, Mr. Lang. Just keep raking up all those legal fees, Attorney Smith...just keep dragging this on for another year when the Commission might change in your favor once again.
Read the blog on the Sunset issue.
He always creates an article on past articles with the wrong facts.