Sunday, December 26, 2010

Snow at Christmas - From Donna and Tom

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For snow to fall, all of the layers of air that the snow falls through once it leaves the cloud must be sub-freezing. And you think we've had cold weather!

Tom says, "Well, we moved from Where The Tropics Begin to Where The Civil War Began and it's snowing! Up here they call snow Grits from Heaven.

Hope everyone is warm and well in Lake Worth.

Tom and Donna


  1. As cold as it is today with this wind, it feels like 30 degrees. Thanks for reminding me what I don't miss.

  2. Come on Tom, do they grow snow flakes bigger in South Carolina? It looks like snowballs falling.

  3. Thanks for the info. I just heard(Sun night ) that it is snowing in Tallahassee and Monticello!Hope all is well with you guys, too. Merry Christmas!

  4. We're freezing our ass off here. Are u kidding me?
