Thursday, December 30, 2010

A Slippery Slope

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"No refusal" DUI checks already implemented in some Florida counties, will possibly begin as soon as October in Tampa. Who knows when this might be happening in Palm Beach County. How would Lake Worth, a city that just turned down red-light cameras as too Big Brotherish, handle this?

If a driver is stopped and he refuses to take a breathalyzer, a Judge will be on site and order an immediate blood test. Breath tests have proved to be unreliable in many instances. Cops prefer blood tests as they have lost many DUI cases. With a blood test there would be no doubt.

What if that stopped driver objects to having his blood drawn? "Drawing blood over a patient’s objections is committing assault and battery," insists Dr. Phil Brewer, President of the Connecticut College of Emergency Physicians and a fellow at the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. He refuses to do it.

And what about the abuse a driver may suffer at the hands of law enforcement? Could he possibly be "tased" for objecting? Drivers have been routinely handcuffed, tied down, sat upon, beaten, and occasionally even killed in the process of obtaining blood.

Is this a violation of civil rights?



  1. If you get really too drunk to drive you can call Tow To Go service at 1-800-AAA-HELP. Dont' call the Sheriff--they only want to arrest you.

  2. How much will this cost taxpayers? Judges don't come cheap(just ask the politicians/developers who have been paying them off for years)!This is definitely a violation of our rights! What's next? A cholesterol test to be able to enter Publix to go shopping?How will the information gained by these drug tests be protected? We live in a Wiki leaks world.Big brother isn't just watching any more-he's taking our blood! We need to slam the door on this crap right away!ANY elected official that thinks this is a good idea, need to go live in CUBA.
