Wednesday, December 15, 2010

The Rick Scott Inaugural Ball

Interesting. I just got invited to Governor Elect Rick Scott's Inaugural Ball that will be held on January 4 at the Leon Civic Center in Tallahassee. I'm not a Republican and I didn't vote for him...voted for Michael Arth. There must be some mistake. But he says that he is forging a path to prosperity. Growth and prosperity is the objective, not aid. I like that. Voters liked that too.

Economic growth alone has lifted more than 500 million people out of poverty over the last 25 years, accounting for over 80 per cent of poverty reduction. In the words of Gordon Brown, "it is the absence of business - and not the presence of business - that blights the lives of poor people, leaving them dependent on aid and denying them the opportunity to work, denying them the chance to support their families and denying them the means to ensure that their children get the chance to succeed."

Rick Scott understands this.

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