Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Rene Varela, Mayor of Lake Worth

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Over the last year, the Mayor has had an even temper or better said, he has kept emotion in check. Clearly things are “getting to him” as of late. He has gotten mad at our City Manager. He has been mad at citizens in the Chamber. He can’t take criticism of any kind. He rules the roost.

Last night he told Commissioner Golden and the rest of the Commission that he was not irresponsible when he left town recently on two occasions without telling anyone—that it was his personal time and he “doesn’t want any elected official to question him on his values, etc.” This is all about common courtesy, Mayor.

He was mad at the blogs saying that his e-mail to inform Friends, Family and Supporters that he was not going to run next year was not supposed to be published. The Mayor fails to understand that once a document has been made public, it is no longer confidential. In fact, the e-mail was not even marked "confidential." If it were, it might not have been passed on to a blog.

When I used the word “omnipotent” last night, it was clearly a slip of the tongue. I meant to say that by his extremely early announcement regarding his not running next term and his move to Maryland, could render him “impotent.”

He also said that he wants to attend the Mayor’s Conference in Washington, D.C. on January 19/21. Obviously, he still wants to keep up on the latest with one foot here in Lake Worth and the other in Maryland.

The Agenda at the Mayor's Conference.

The primary roles of The U.S. Conference of Mayors are to:

  • Promote the development of effective national urban/suburban policy;
  • Strengthen federal-city relationships;
  • Ensure that federal policy meets urban needs;
  • Provide mayors with leadership and management tools; and
  • Create a forum in which mayors can share ideas and information.
With his interest in attending this conference, it appears that Mayor Rene Varela will not be giving up politics when he moves from Lake Worth.


  1. What is really happening to Rene? Is this a melt-down?

  2. Rene apparently knew he was leaving BEFORE this last election. That is disgusting. I do not want a Mayor making decisions for a city that he will be no longer living in.Rene and wife will be long gone, and we poor taxpayers will be left to deal with the fallout.Many of us have known for a long time that Rene Varela regards Lake Worth as nothing more than a stepping stone in his political career.He can't stand not to be in the majority, and so he is running away to start his political career in another town. Rene Varela has no business continuing on as our Mayor. This whole incident also shows that his political career comes before his wife.
