Thursday, December 23, 2010

Ramiccio settles law suit with PB Post?

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It has been reported that Tom Ramiccio has settled a libel suit against The Palm Beach Post and won.

Was it this ARTICLE?
The Post said: An earlier version of this article incorrectly described a Dec. 14 letter by Lake Worth City Commissioner Suzanne Mulvehill in which she aired complaints about Tom Ramiccio, who was fired that week as the president and chief executive of the Greater Lake Worth Chamber of Commerce. Mulvehill’s letter, written on city letterhead, did not say that Ramiccio had “pocketed cash” from special chamber events. In addition, the chamber did not say it had dismissed Ramiccio because of “alleged financial misconduct.”

He says it was from an article in December 2009, so it can't be THIS ONE. Perhaps these Commissioners can sue Ramiccio?


  1. This is hard to believe. The Post caves in. Probably worth it to get rid of the pest.

  2. Wonder if Ron Exline can sue the Post after it incorrectly published that he,and not JIM EXLINE,was in prison. Oh, and this was DURING the campaign period where RON EXLINE was running for office!!!!
