Thursday, December 9, 2010

Playing Hardball

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Mr. Seddon, Executive Director of the PMSA/PEU, interrupted the city commission meeting Tuesday evening stating, "She lied," speaking of the City Manager, Susan Stanton. Commissioner Maxwell said, "I want to figure out the truth."

The Commission, on a 4/1 vote, Maxwell dissenting, disapproved the IBEW ratification. The City Manager recommended the rejection because the terms and conditions incorporated by the proposed agreement exceeds the City Commission’s established financial parameters. The Commission followed her advice and declared an impasse to the negotiation process.

When speaking to his Union members in the past, Jack Seddon has said, "You can rest assured that your organization will investigate and if appropriate, pursue a course of action which will protect the integrity of your Agreement." And that's what he did on Tuesday when the Union filed suit against the City of Lake Worth challenging the constitutionality of the City's actions in respect to collective bargaining.

Seddon proclaimed from the Chamber, "This is not the Contract that you were given." He asked that the vote be postponed because the commission was, in his mind, voting on something "not legal or correct." The Mayor asked him to refrain from comment. Dwight Mattox, President Local IBEW 359, asked, "What is the impasse? "She (City Manager, Susan Stanton) is wrong," he further said.

After the meeting Mr. Seddon said that this law suit will "cost the City $250,000."

1 comment:

  1. I'm beginning to think that our Commissioners are a bunch of mushrooms, and that our city manager is the mushroom farmer that is keeping them all in the dark and feeding them a lot of s###!!!
