Sunday, December 26, 2010

The Myth

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Bad idea, built on a myth.

At last. I agree with Randy Schultz in his editorial today regarding Governor Elect Scott's idea of merging Transportation, Community Affairs and the Department of Environmental Protection thus weakening the DCA and EPA.

The myth, used extensively in the last election in order to defeat Amendment 4, was that it would be a job killer. Now, with developer backed lobbyists behind this idea to merge all three departments, they are once again using this argument to neutralize these departments so that they can build everywhere and anywhere.

Read his editorial above.


  1. The growth whores don't want ANYTHING to stand in their way.Florida's remaining natural spaces don't stand a chance. And neither does our wildlife.

  2. "Other scenarios for DCA's future are similarly gloomy. DCA's growth-management unit could transfer to the Department of Environmental Protection, where a new secretary eager to accommodate developments like Farmton might take charge. A former lobbyist for the Farmton project is said to be a contender for such a post."
