Saturday, December 25, 2010

Little Baby, pa rum, pum pum pum

Comment Up
Although I have asked him on many occasions not to stalk me, not to e-mail me, not to try and post here, he just won't listen. This is Mark's Christmas' message sent at 9:14pm Christmas Eve:

Mark A. Parrilla has left a new comment on your post "Florida Gangs":

Wow, lyn I didn't know you even knew how to spell the word "facts" much less use it in a sentence. I hope that we won't get to find out just how delusionally wrong you are, but that is your comfort zone, so I am not surprised. That is where you dwell 98% of the time. I say 98% because even a broken clock is right twice a day. You keep drinking the kool aid and smile, you lack the intellect to do much more than that, your poorly written imitation of a blog is proof positive of that. Did you ever contribute anything POSITIVE in your life or have you always been this lonely and bitter?


  1. . . . and on earth peace, good will toward men.

  2. If someone directed messages like these towards me, I would definitely talk the authorities.These are ,in my opinion,way beyond "normal".

  3. LOL--This is one of his "calm" ones. The last one sent on Christmas day was life threatening. In the past, when one of his e-mails or attempted blog comments got really egregious and ugly, I would retaliate and do a "special" blog just for him. Now I will direct them to my attorney or the Sheriff.

  4. Don't even give him a 2nd thought. He is unstable and everyone knows it.

  5. Just heard that MArk got a job. Maybe that will shut him up for a few months while the job lasts.

  6. hahahah I like how you categorized the post: gangs/punks, Mark Parilla.
    maybe you need a new category: Dolts

  7. Ms. Collins-give me a call at 585-7839. I would be happy to discuss your comment to me.
