Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Judges hostile to environmental groups

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Jac Wilder VerSteeg says that 1st District Court of Appeals Judge Paul Hawkes and Bradford Thomas are destructive "activist" judges. "Their recent ruling in a Martin County case punishes people and organizations that dare to challenge rulings detrimental to Florida's environment."

Read the editorial, Ruling chills access to courts.

Appointed by Jeb Bush, Judge Paul Hawkes got the lowest Florida Bar rating ever. The previous worst scores were in the 70s, except for a 61 scored by Hawkes in 2004 and a 64 scored by fellow Judge Brad Thomas in 2006.

Read about it HERE


  1. Its about time that the loser began to pay all expenses. The Judges ruled correctly. Environmentalists and the ACLU have been burdening the court system for years and only Texas has put a stop to the frivolous lawsuits brought by the leftists.

    Texas earned four new seats in the House of Representatives for a reason (tort reform, low taxes, free market, etc) and maybe now others will take notice and follow suit.

  2. If that would be the case, then no one would ever file a law suit. How then do you fight the bad guys, the corrupt guys, the people who have committed crimes? This was not considered a frivolous suit and therefore, they should not have to pay this type of expense.

    Did you not read that these Judges have been voted the worst by their peers? There are bad judges.

    If you don't have environmental groups trying to protect this world then do you suggest that we succumb to those who want to pillage for their own greed?

    I can understand your reference to the ACLU, however.
